Informed Strategic Solutions for a Growing Population
Jefferson Regional Medical Center Master Plan
Jefferson Regional Medical Center’s campus was situated in this location for over fifty years, treating approximately 12,000 admissions and 140,000 outpatients in that timeframe. Through market analysis, financial analysis and strategic planning, hospital leadership concluded that substantial renovation or replacement needed to be done in order to respond to the growing needs of the organization and the patients it serves.
Responding to the anticipated future needs of the population it serves, JRMC sought a new vision for its facility. The goal was to determine the best potential course of action for their successful future, by delivering them options so they had the data necessary to decide upon a replacement of their current campus with an “on campus” solution or whether a greenfield site will be a more suitable solution. The existing campus, service lines, physician recruitment, clinical utilization, financial capacity, facility access, campus presence and visibility were examined. This data was utilized to develop extensive conceptual design options to strategically decide on the most viable option for further development. This comprehensive planning study facilitated critical discussions and decisions to strategically implement a 237-bed replacement hospital.