Next Gen STEM Improvements
Kings Ridge Preparatory Academy Media Center and Hallway Improvements
Orcutt | Winslow converted and modernized their library into a fully digital media center and created breakout spaces for specialized programs within the preparatory academy. We sat down with administration, staff and students to better understand the curriculum. A conditional analysis of current spaces was done to outline what they could use and work within and the various spaces and their purpose was assigned and identified.
For the STEM Classroom remodel, three classrooms were specifically outfitted for teaching multi-disciplinary science, research and experimentation-based engineering, along with a hands-on robotics workshop. Aside from specialized furniture and equipment, the rooms were emblazoned with brightly-colored murals and graphics that distinctly identify each discipline. A recreational game room provides a rewarding respite for excelling students. The Library is being transformed into a modern Media and Collaboration Center, with similar murals and a modern motif. This converted and modernized their existing library into a fully digital media center that created breakout spaces for the specialized programs within the preparatory academy.