A Rejuvenation and Celebration of Culture
Window Rock Administration Buildings
Finding themselves in outdated, confined headquarters, the Navajo government’s administration allowed the design team to merge the rich and cultural influences of Navajo jewelry art into a modern office environment that enhances productivity and employee satisfaction. Full transformation, expansion and renovation of these deficient structures allow for a more open office environment with collaboration areas that have access to abundant natural daylight and views. The entry experience and building exterior were clearly articulated to mark the entrance point, and wayfinding was improved inside with private and public areas that are more spatially defined. The Navajo Nation Administration Buildings provide staff with a renewed and healthy place to work. Not only is the air clean and conditions safe, but the openness and penetrating daylight add to worker satisfaction on a deeper emotional level. Connecting the design back to the cultural heritage of the Navajo provides a space that speaks to a deeper level still – the human spirit and their cultural heritage.