Team Spirit
Students who participate in sports have higher attendance rates and have increased scholastic engagement that results in better grades and academic proficiency.
As the focus on wellness and a holistic education continues to capture the attention of our society, the desire for inclusion and engagement in activities that indicate success in the areas of mental and physical health are on the rise. Entry and exit sequencing, amenities, wi-fi connection/charging stations, temporary food platforms, all offer guests more reasons to engage while spending time on your campus. In addition, advancements in lighting/acoustics, turf options/flooring, seating, program adaptability, CTE opportunities and safety will also play into how memories are made.

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Insights in Event Venues

Living Healthy
Throughout the healthcare industry, a challenge has been issued by patients, families, physicians and regulatory agencies: “Provide us with the highest quality of care at the lowest possible cost.”
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CMG Sports Academy
The Arena will be a state-of-the-art facility providing the opportunity for both players and scouts to have a true elevation of talent in its’ natural environment since all courts will be pro-regulation sized courts, with current security and monitoring systems.
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