Orcutt Winslow
Pediatric Care


Experiential Design with Children in Mind

Pediatric Care

For Pediatric environments, our concept is often centered around experiential design that we borrow from other successes outside the healthcare industry–and apply to hospital design. These types of facilities have a very unique situation that allows us to reach outside the perimeters of “innovative” children’s care to apply ideas from what we have learned from top educators, entertainment/hospitality and even airports and shopping malls to these specialized hospitals.

Pediatrics Header Here

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Insights in Health + Wellness

Health + Wellness: WELL Building


Health + Wellness: WELL Building

In a post-COVID-19 operation, human health and wellness has never been more important to the design of the built environment. Our team has experience in WELL Building design and applies the principles and strategies of the WELL Building Standard to the design of our projects.

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Health + Wellness: Experience Mapping


Health + Wellness: Experience Mapping

More than ever before, the design of healthcare facilities is driven by three factors: Economy, Efficiency and Patient Engagement.

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Health + Wellness: Defining Your Vision


Health + Wellness: Defining Your Vision

Development of a new medical campus provides a unique “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity.

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How can we help?   Main Office 602-257-1764
